Welcome to the future of the present
With the iNoRisk Health and Safety Group
Developed by experts for experts:
- Licensing of the modular iNoRisk app for audits/risk assessments/hazard assessments in occupational health and safety (A+G).
- Europe-wide rack inspection (worldwide on request) using the iNoRisk inspection app by our specialists with expertise
- Provision/licensing of the test app for use by company-internal employees
- Development of your individual app with your own CI based on the architecture of the iNoRisk modules
- Provision of the occupational health and safety portal “PortAS” as a pragmatic but fully comprehensive document management system for the A+G
- Platform-independent use of the web app modules
Quote from a client
And if you still can’t remember our name, here’s a quote from one of our commissioners:
“Isch konn mer aiern Nome äfach net märke! How do you say that?” – to which our management replied: “Isch nix Risiko in English.”
Translation available on request. 😉
You have questions about the iNoRisk software?
Then contact our team by mail support@inorisk.com.