
The software for occupational safety and occupational medicine

Welcome to the future of the present

With the iNoRisk Health and Safety Group

Developed by experts for experts:

  • Licensing of the modular iNoRisk app for audits/risk assessments/hazard assessments in occupational health and safety (A+G).
  • Europe-wide rack inspection (worldwide on request) using the iNoRisk inspection app by our specialists with expertise
  • Provision/licensing of the test app for use by company-internal employees
  • Development of your individual app with your own CI based on the architecture of the iNoRisk modules
  • Provision of the occupational health and safety portal “PortAS” as a pragmatic but fully comprehensive document management system for the A+G
  • Platform-independent use of the web app modules
Platform-independent documentation in occupational health and safety

Our philosophy

“Modern tools for people, not people as tools”.
Doing things differently is iNoRisk’s motto. The label thus transfers the philosophy of all-round pragmatism to software applications for occupational safety and health.

Quote from a client

And if you still can’t remember our name, here’s a quote from one of our commissioners:
“Isch konn mer aiern Nome äfach net märke! How do you say that?” – to which our management replied: “Isch nix Risiko in English.”

Translation available on request. 😉

You have questions about the iNoRisk software?

Then contact our team by mail support@inorisk.com.